Normally, UDK is mainly a framework for first/third person shooter games. Many things are hardcoded, like necessity to have a Pawn as you main character (or references to UT3 in DefaultEngine.ini). For smaller (indie) projects that is many times not desired. What if you want to be able to control a simple KActor or some set of objects (like chess pieces)? That is not a problem!
insert instances of desired objects into scene (I'm controlling one actor):
collect references to your objects in some early phase:
override Pawn dependent behavior in your custom classes to work with your actors (example from custom 3rd person camera):
insert instances of desired objects into scene (I'm controlling one actor):
1: var MyActorClass MyActor
3: simulated event PostBeginPlay()
4: {
5: super.PostBeginPlay(); //call parent
7: //iterate through all actors of given class and store them!
8: foreach WorldInfo.DynamicActors(class'MyActorClass', MyActor)
9: {
10: //some additional init?
11: Init();
12: break; //if interested only in first one
13: }
14: }
override Pawn dependent behavior in your custom classes to work with your actors (example from custom 3rd person camera):
1: class MyCamera extends Camera;
3: //override, use your actor as the point of interest for camera
4: function UpdateViewTarget(out TViewTarget OutVT, float DeltaTime)
5: {
6: super.UpdateViewTarget(OutVT,DeltaTime);
8: //add some offset to the target's for 3rd person camera
9: OutVT.POV.Location = MyActor.Location + Properties.CamOffset;
11: // Make the camera point towards the target's location
12: OutVT.POV.Rotation = Rotator(MyActor.Location - OutVT.POV.Location);
13: }
Could you elaborate on some more things to override? I am struggling to get my playercontroller to play nice with my actor "character".